What is information technology ?
Information technology is the key to developments in the modern era of today’s computerized world. It merges the computer and communication in order to make the easy availability of latest information to everyone. different business organization may not work if they don’t have the required data and information for running their business activities .
An example of this may be that an Airline reservation company that may not be able to prepare the passenger list for its various flights if the required data about passengers is not available or a bank may never perform its banking function without the data and information regarding its customers and other business viewpoint.
As computer is a very important tool for quick and accurate production of our needed information, it is therefore the central topic of information technology, that how a computer performs its computation functions. The other element of IT is called communication, which actually means that how computers may be networked to transmit their output.ie., information to other computers or receive the same form them.
In many business organizations , IT plays a significant role mostly in the form of computer based information system like MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTME(MIS),DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM(DSS),OPERATIONAL INFORMATION SYSTEM(OIS) and so on.
The meaning of information technology may be clarified that is the technology based upon the use of computer based information system having the objective of easy and quick information production, distribution among its end users, storage, retrieval and use. This information is obtained from the data collected from different data sources in many business organizations.
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The main benefits of information technology are highly sufficient, challenging, and outstanding . IT now a day is playing its role in almost all aspects of our social, national and international life affairs and in a very true sense, latest information is highly essential for the betterment of nation.